Illinois Police Association Patch

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"An Organization For The Professional Law Enforcement Officer"


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Illinois Police Association BY-LAWS...

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     The name of the corporation shall be “ILLINOIS POLICE ASSOCIATION, INC.”

     Its principal place for the transaction of business shall be within the State of Illinois.



     The objects, purposes and scope of this Association shall be: 

A.   To establish, publish and distribute a magazine devoted exclusively to matters of interest to law enforcement officers and it shall bear the title of “Official Journal of the Illinois Police Association”.

B.   To promote the interest of law enforcement officers throughout Illinois by means of encouraging a closer relationship.

C.  To secure the cooperation of all law enforcement officers employed in Illinois, by every town, village, city and county or by the state or federal government.

D.  To acquire and disseminate knowledge and technical information useful in combating or preventing crime.

E.   To provide a medium for the exchange of knowledge and experience in law enforcement.

F.   To encourage all law enforcement officer to acquire skill and efficiency in the performance of their duties.

G.  To foster high professional standards of conduct for law enforcement officers.

H.   To strive for tenure of office based on merit, experience and efficiency and for the removal of political control over the departments of law enforcement.

I.    To seek the enactment and maintenance of sound and liberal pension laws for the retired and/or disabled law enforcement officers and to provide for the dependents of deceased members.

J.   To promote and encourage social, economic and educational polices that will benefit law enforcement officers and the general public. 

     SECTION 2.  NOT-FOR-PROFIT.  This association is not organized for business
     purposes nor for profit and no part of its earnings shall insure to the benefit of any
     person or individual but shall belong entirely to the association and be disbursed strictly
     for fraternal benevolent and social purposes. 

     SECTION 3.  POWERS.  This association shall have the following powers: to hold real
     estate, franchises and personal property, to establish, publish and distribute a
     magazine devoted to matters of interest and importance to law enforcement officers, to
     borrow money and issue bonds or other evidence of indebtedness and to secure same
     as needed, to execute mortgages or deeds of trust upon any of its property for the
     acquisition or improvement of any real estate or other property which may be acquired or
     held by it, to exercise any and all other necessary and legal powers exercisable by an
     Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation in good standing in furtherance of and for the purpose

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     SECTION 1.  CLASSES  The membership of the Association shall be made up of the
     following classes.
     Active, Paid up Life, Associate, Honorary and Life members as defined in the following
     sections of this article.

     (Amended September 2010)

     SECTION 2.  ACTIVE MEMBERS Active members shall be limited to law enforcement
     officers as defined hereinafter, coroners and duly authorized prosecutors and their
     assistants during their term of office. For all purposes herein, “Law Enforcement Officer”
     means any person who is hired and employed specifically as a law enforcement officer
     by a law enforcement agency authorized by state or federal statue to enforce the law,
     other than those in a judicial capacity. Such officers must be employed on a full time or
     part-time basis, and otherwise come under the provisions of the Minimum Wage Act
     (820 ILCS 105/1 et seq), when said Act applies. Employees of agencies not covered by
     the Minimum Wage Act must be compensated at an hourly rate reasonable consistent
     and not lower than 75 percent of the established minimum wage. The term “Law
     Enforcement Officer” include but is not limited to, law enforcement officers, correctional
     officers, sheriffs, full time railroad law enforcement officers, adult State and Federal
     parole officers, other public law enforcement officers employed by any municipality,
     county or other political subdivision of or within the territorial limits of Illinois, including
     law enforcement officers employed by the United States whose tour of duty or office from
     where he or she reports is located within Illinois and officers who have been pensioned
     from law enforcement employment or who are retired and eligible for pension after
     serving twenty years as a law enforcement officer but who have not yet attainted age
     fifty. Persons employed by a law enforcement department because of their specialized
     training or profession shall not be considered a law enforcement officer unless they are
     originally employed as such and are compensated at the same salary as those of
     corresponding rank on the same department. (Amended 2003) 

     membership shall not be altered if a law enforcement officer is assigned to clerical,
     radio, telephone switchboard, dog pond or ambulance service unless the principal
     reason for their employment is to perform such non law enforcement service and
     unless such employee is compensated at a salary lower than that received by a
     patrolman of the same department.

     (Amended September 1975) 

     SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH B. PAID UP LIFE     Active members who are retired and
     receiving a pension and have paid dues in the Association for at least twenty five (25)
     years may opt for Paid up Life membership. A Paid Up Life Member may return to
     Active Member status by again paying Active membership dues.

     (Amended September 2010)

     SECTION 3.  ASSOCIATE MEMBERS.   There shall be two classes of Associate
     members.  Class A Associate Members and Class B Associate Members. 

     Member is a law enforcement officer who does not qualify for Active membership
     because of honorary, special, and auxiliary or reserve law enforcement officer status
     and law enforcement communication officers and dispatchers.

     (Amended September 2000, 2001, 2003) 

     Member is a person of high repute in the business community who has been
     recommended by an Active member.

     (Amended September 1991) 

     SECTION 4. - HONORARY MEMBERS.  Persons who are ineligible for Active
     membership but who the Board finds are qualified by training and experience in general
     law enforcement or have achieved professional distinction in law enforcement science
     and administration, those who have rendered distinguished public service in the
     administration of criminal justice or who have made an outstanding contribution to law
     enforcement or the prevention of crime, members of the judiciary and officers of any
     municipal, county, state or federal agency and executive officials of a government
     department are eligible for Honorary membership. 

     SECTION 4.  PARAGRAPH A.  Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of
     all dues and assessments and through their respective membership shall extend
     throughout each calendar year following consideration and approval of the Board of the
     respective person’s qualifications and status. They shall not be entitled to the death
     benefit belonging to the Active members and shall be precluded from holding office in
     the Association and voting at any meeting of the membership. 

     SECTION 5. LIFE MEMBERS.  Upon the completion of their term of office, Past
     Presidents shall become Life Members and shall be exempt from dues and enjoy all
     the privileges and benefits of an Active member for the remainder of their lives. 

     SECTION 6.  APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP.   An Active member who shall submit
     the name and the candidates written request for membership on forms provided by the
     Association must propose a candidate for Active membership. The Executive Director
     may approve the application if satisfied that the applicant has truthfully and fully
     answered all questions contained in the application and is entitled to Active
     membership. In cases where the Executive Director is doubtful of the candidate’s
     eligibility, the application shall be referred to the Board for its decision thereon, which
     shall be final.

     Application for Active membership may not be accepted unless the law enforcement
     qualifications of the applicant’s employer are clearly defined by state or federal status.
     The Board may deny an application for membership where its acceptance may result in
     risks or loses being unnecessarily increased or which it is believed would prove
     detrimental to the operations of the association.

      Candidates for Associate or Honorary Memberships shall require the sponsorship of
     an Active member and such membership shall be issued only in limited number as
     prescribed by resolution of the Board. Except as explicitly provided for in Article VII,
     Section 1 or otherwise in these By-Laws, Associate and Honorary members shall not
     be entitled to the benefits of Active members and shall be precluded from holding office
     and/or voting at any meeting of the membership. 

     SECTION 7.  CERTIFICATES.   Members of the association shall receive certificates of
     membership indicating the class to which they belong which shall entitle them to all the
     privileges of the association with the respect to such class, but shall not entitle them to
     any pecuniary or financial benefits of any form or kind and which, in case the member
     shall resign, be suspended or expelled in accordance with any of the articles of the
     Constitution and By-Laws or rules of the Association or on account of non-payment of
     dues or assessments shall give the holder thereof no right nor interest in the property
     of the Association, nor privileges therein and the certificates of membership shall be
     forthwith surrendered and canceled. Certificate of active members shall be in the
     following form:

     SECTION 8.  DECALS.   Active members and honorary members shall be issued an
     automobile windshield decal in the shape of the State of Illinois and Associate "A" and
     “B” members shall be issued an automobile windshield decal of a unique design,
     bearing the same serial number as that assigned to the membership certificate, unless
     the Board determines otherwise. Said decal shall remain the property of the Illinois
     Police Association, Inc. and only the member to whom it is issued shall be entitled to
     the use of the decal. Members who violate the decal use restrictions of this Section, may
     lose the right to receive decals and/or may be expelled from the Association. A second
     decal may be purchased by an Active, Paid Up Life or Honorary member for an
     automobile registered to that member or current spouse with the same serial number.
     A fee will be assessed for the second decal in an amount set by the Executive Board.

     (Amended September 2000) 

     disciplined, suspended or expelled for a misrepresentation of facts in his or her
     application for membership, for unprofessional conduct or other just cause but such
     punishment shall not be inflicted except upon written charges being filed against him or
     her and until he or her has had an opportunity to be heard in his or her defense before
     the Board. The member shall be entitled to counsel at said hearing. 

     SECTION 10.  PROHIBITIONS.   No person who has been convicted of a Felony against
     the laws of any state or the federal government shall be eligible for membership and
     any member who is convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or federal
     government shall be automatically dropped from the membership from the date of his
     or her conviction becomes final. 

     SECTION 11.   NON-DISCRIMINATION.    Sex, color, race or creed shall not be a bar to
     membership in the Association. 

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      SECTION 1.  EXECUTIVE BOARD The Executive Board, therein also called the "Board",
      shall manage the business affairs of the Association. The Board shall be comprised
      of the Association's President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice
      President, Executive Director, Sergeants-at-Arms, Auditors, the retiring President and
      the Chairperson of each Division. In the inability of the Chairperson of the Local
      Division to attend any meeting of the Executive Board, the next Division officer in
      authority shall attend in the absence of the Chairperson. The Division officer so
      attending shall be entitled to vote as proxy of the absent Division Chairperson.

      (Amended September 2006)

      SECTION 1.  PARAGRAPH A.   RULES AND REGULATIONS.   The Board shall be the
      governing body of the Association and shall have the authority to take all appropriate
      measures and perform all duties that may be necessary to accomplish the objectives
      of the Association. It shall issue rules and regulations to establish a formal procedure
      for the conduct of the affairs of the Association, which shall not be in conflict with the
      provisions of these Constitutions and By-Laws. These rules and regulations shall
      govern membership procedure, the receipts, custody, disbursements and accounting
      of the Associations funds, purchase, travel vouchers and other expenditures,
      employment and compensation of staff members and the adoption and use of the
      official seal and insignia of the Association. Such rules and regulations shall be
      published in the Official Journal for the guidance of the membership. 

      hereby authorized and empowered to enter into such contracts and assume such
      obligations, as it shall in its discretion deem necessary to accomplish the purposes of
      the Association. All contacts made in the name of the Association must be authorized
      by a majority of the Board and all contracts, except those for the publishing and
      distribution of the Official Journal, for solicitation of contributions by a professional
      fundraiser and for the leasing of any property, shall be void if made for a period of time
      that exceeds the balance of the President’s term of office. (Amended September 1991) 

      SECTION 1.   PARAGRAPH C.   OFFICIAL JOURNAL.   The Board is specifically
      empowered to establish and to enter into a contract as needed to publish and distribute
      the “Official Journal of the Illinois Police Association”. The term of this contract shall be
      no more than seven (7) years duration and a copy of the negotiated contract shall be
      exhibited to the membership at the next annual State Conference following the
      execution of the contract. There shall be advertisements submitted in the daily and
      trade newspapers for bids when contract agreements come up for renewal for the
      publication of the “Official Journal” of the Illinois Police Association. Inc. starting with
      the year 1961.

     (Amended October 1961, September 1986) 

      Board is authorized to appoint, if it deems necessary, a full time executive officer to hold
      office at the pleasure of the Board. The executive officer so appointed must be an
      “Active” member of the Association whose duties shall include a continuous effort to
      increase membership, to increase the residues of the Association and such other
      duties as may be assigned by the Board. 

      SECTION 1.   PARAGRAPH E.   INFORMED MEMBERSHIP.   The Board shall take all
      appropriate steps to keep membership appraised of the activities of the Association
      and of all matters of pertinent concern to the entire membership. 

      SECTION 1.  PARAGRAPH F.   REASONABLE EXPENSES. The members of the Board
      shall be allowed reasonable expenses incurred while attending Board Meetings. 

      SECTION 1.  PARAGRAPH G.   QUORUM.   For the purpose of transacting business, a
      quorum for the Executive Board shall consist of a majority of its members. 

      SECTION 2.   TERM OF OFFICE.   The members of the Board shall hold their office for
      a term of two (2) years. 

      SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH A.   TENURE OF OFFICE. The tenure of office of the elected
      members of the Board shall extend from the point of new business at
      the Executive Board meeting where the installation of state officers takes place and
      then continue to the point of business at the next installation of state officers at a
      meeting of the Board. 

      SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH B.   ASSUMPTION OF DUTIES.   At the point of new business
      at the Executive Board meeting where the installation of state officers take place, the
      newly elected members of the Board shall assume their position on the
      Board. All the retiring members of the Board shall have full vote authority until the point
      of new business on the agenda of said installation meeting. 

      SECTION 3.   PROHIBITIONS.   The magazine shall compensate no member of the
      Board for service rendered such publisher while serving on the Board. 

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      SECTION 1.  ELECTIVE OFFICERS.   The elective officers of the Association shall be:

A.    President

B.   First Vice President

C.   Second Vice President

D.   Third Vice President
(Not more than one (1) Vice President shall be elected from any one division)

E.   Executive Director

F.    Two (2) Sergeants-at-Arms and an Auditing Committee consisting of three (3) members. (Not more than one (1) Auditor from any one division.) All of who shall hold their respective offices for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected and qualified. The officers shall be elected by ballot at an annual Conference of this Association by the votes of a majority of the duly accredited delegates present and voting. Provided that no person having been elected to the office of President shall be eligible to reelection to that office, nor may two (2) members from the same law enforcement department be elected to any office in the Association at the same time. 

SECTION 1.  PARAGRAPH A.   NOMINATING COMMITTEE.   There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of All Division Chairman and this committee shall meet 90 days prior to the annual Conference in order that the report of this committee can be in the hands of the delegates at least 60 days prior to the Conference. It shall be the duty of this committee to list all candidates for each elected office on the ballot  with their recommendations placed first on the ballot. An accredited delegate may also make additional nominations from the floor.

(Amended September 1981, 1987 & 1991) 

SECTION 1.  PARAGRAPH B.   VOTING AND BALLOTS.   All nominations shall be voted upon by secret ballot, unless there is only one (1) candidate for the office to be filled. The candidate receiving a majority of votes for each office shall be declared elected and shall hold office for two (2) years or until his or her successor has been elected and qualified. In the event no candidate received a majority of votes on the first ballot, another ballot shall be taken between the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes on the first ballot and the one receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected. 

 SECTION 1.PARAGRAPH C.   BONDS AND OATH OF OFFICE.   The newly elected officers shall be inducted and sworn into office at the evening function following the election of said officers at the Conference. The retiring Board at the December meeting following the election shall approve bonds of the President and the Executive Director elect. 

SECTION 1. PARAGRAPH D. ELIGIBILITY FOR ELECTED OFFICE. Only Active members shall be eligible for election to office in the Association.
(1) The position of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and 3rd Vice President will only be filled with an Active member where he or she has a minimum of Five (5) years as an Active member and a minimum of Four (4) years on a Division Board. The Director shall be an appointed position under the provisions of By-Law Article 4, Section 1, Paragraph D.The position of the Executive Director should be filled by an Active member where he or she has a minimum of Five (5) years as an Active member and Four (4) years on a Division Board. In the event a suitable and acceptable candidate is not available from within the Association, the Executive Board may seek an acceptable private sector candidate for the office of Executive Director who shall work under the guidelines of the Illinois Police Association By-Laws and receive a similar salary and benefits package applicable to the office at the time of appointment.

(Amended September 2018)

SECTION 2.   DUTIES OF OFFICERS.   The duties of the elective Officers shall be described in the following paragraphs. 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH A.  PRESIDENT.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board and enforce order and strict compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. He or she shall appoint with the advice and consent of the Board, the members to all committees as are authorized by the Constitution and By-Laws of the association and shall see that all officers faithfully and impartially perform their respective duties. He or she shall unless otherwise provided for, fill all vacancies in office due to absences or other causes. He or she shall take no part in debate while occupying the chair, except by consent of a majority of the members present. He or she shall also transact such business as may be custom appertains to his or her office and sign all official documents authorized by the Association or the Board. 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH B.   FIRST VICE PRESIDENT.    The First Vice President shall assist the President in performing the duties of his or her office and in the absence or inability of the President to act, he or she shall assume the duties of the President. He or she shall be empowered by the same privileges, powers, authority and responsibilities as the President while serving in such capacity.

SECTION 2.   PARAGRAPH C.   SECOND ,AND THIRD VICE PRESIDENTS.   The Second and Third Vice Presidents shall assume the duties of the President in the absence or in ability to act of the First Vice President or his or her successor, in their respective order and each shall assume the same privileges, power, authority and responsibilities as the President while serving in such capacity. 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH D.   EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.   The Executive Director shall have the custody of all records, books, papers, documents and correspondence pertinent to the affairs of the Association. He or she shall also keep accurate inventory of all property, with a description of such property, estimated value and its location disclosing the identity of the person or persons in whose custody such property is entrusted. He or she shall record the minutes of all meetings and preserve then in an official “Minutes Book” and keep an up to date record of all amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws and shall be readily available to all committees for reference when revising the Constitution and By-Laws. He or she shall give proper and timely notice of special and general meetings to all members and of other meetings to the members affected. Whenever directed by the President or the Board, he or she shall send a communication to all members advising as to the activities of the Association. The Executive Director shall be custodian of all monies belonging to the Association. He or she shall collect and keep an accurate record of dues, fines, assessments and all other monies due or belonging to the Association. He or she shall keep an accurate record of the membership of the Association and of each local division and it shall contain the names and address of all Association and Division officers. The Executive Director shall receive a full time basis salary as established by the Board. The Executive Director shall supervise the duties and activities of all employees or appointed personnel in the operation of the Associations office. He or she shall submit in writing to the annual Conference a financial statement showing the disposition of all monies of the Association received and disbursed by him or her during his or her term of office. He or she shall submit in writing to the annual Conference a report of all local divisions. He or she shall also submit to the Conference a written report of his or her local acts during his or her term of office. He or she shall pay all orders drawn on him or her by the President for lawful purposes, not in excess of one thousand dollars. ($1,000.00). Any orders for expenditures in excess of one thousand dollars, ($1,000.00) must have the approval of the Board. Such orders shall distinctly state the amount required, the names and addresses to whom payment is made and for what purpose. Whenever requested by the Board, he or she shall give them a true and correct amount of all money received and expended and surrender to the Board for its inspection all books, papers and receipts belonging to the Association. At the expiration of his or her office, he or she shall turn over to his or her successor, all money, books and other property belonging to the Association within ten (10) days. He or she shall keep in his or her possession to meet current expenses, which may arise through administrative requirements and necessary for the successful operation of the Association, not more than two thousand ($2,000.00) of  the General Account to be designated “Special Account” and all amounts above that shall be deposited in a bank to be designated by the Board which shall be a federally insured depository. When requested by the Board, he or she shall visit the bank with said Board for the purpose of witnessing the amount of money, deeds, securities, and etc. on deposit there belonging to the Association.

(Amended September 1968, 1986, 1991, 1996) 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH E.   SERGEANT-AT-ARMS.  The Sergeants-at-Arms shall be in attendance at each annual Conference and Board meetings for the purpose of maintaining a peaceful assembly and enforcing the orders of the President.  (Amended September 1991) 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH F.   AUDIT COMMITTEE.  The Auditing Committee shall at least once a year make a survey of the books of the Association and survey of the records of the Executive Director and prepare a report at the end of each fiscal year, which is July 31st., and submit the same to the delegates at the annual conference for their consideration. If the Auditing Committee at any time during the fiscal year believes that there are any discrepancies or errors in the books of the Executive Director, it shall make an immediate report, in writing to the Board.

(Amended October 1963, September 1991, 1993, 1996) 

SECTION 3.  AMOUNT OF BOND.   The Executive Director shall before taking office, execute an indemnifying bond to the Association in an amount to be set and approved by the Board. The bond shall be conditioned for the faithful and honest performance of the duties of his or she office and that he or she will safely keep and truly account for all money and property which may come to his or her hands as such officer, that on expiration of his or her office, that he or she will deliver over to his or her successor all unexpended money and property which may have come into his or her possession as officer of the Association. In case of a breach of the conditions thereof, the Board may bring a suit in the name of the Association. The Association shall pay the premium of such bond. The Board shall provide for a blanket position bond for all other employees of the Association in an amount deemed appropriate by the Board.

(Amended September 1996) 

SECTION 4.  REMOVAL FROM OFFICE.   Whenever any duly elected, and/or appointed officer of the Association fails to qualify or after qualifying shall fail or neglect to perform his or her duties, the President, with the approval of the Board shall declare his or her office vacant and shall appoint an Active member to such office, subject to the limitations in Article 5, Section 1, until the next annual Conference, when an election shall be held to fill the balance of the term of office.

(Amended September 1987, 1991) 

Section 5 DEATH WHILE IN OFFICE.  When any duly elected or appointed officer shall die while in that office, the President, with the approval of the Board, shall declare his or her office vacant and shall appoint an Active member to such office to complete the remainder of the decedents duly elected term of office.

(Added September 2011)

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SECTION 1.  DIVISIONS AUTHORIZED.  To coordinate the affairs of the Association, the Board is authorized to permit the membership by charter or otherwise to organize into “Local Divisions” designating such divisions appropriately as to name and locality. 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH A.  DIVISION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS.   An authorized division shall adopt a Constitution applicable to its division but the provisions of its Constitution and By-Laws shall not be in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.

 (Amended October 1959) 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH B.   DIVISION OFFICERS.   An authorized division shall elect officers. The division officers to be elected shall be Active Members consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman and a Sergeant-at-Arms. The Secretary/Treasurer or a Secretary and a Treasurer shall be an Active, Associate Class “A” or an Associate Class “B” member.

(Amended September 2009)

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH C.  DIVISION ELECTIONS AND OATH OF OFFICE.    All division elections are to be held during the month of October of the odd numbered years. Division officers shall be inducted into the office at the division meeting in the month of November of the odd numbered years and shall subscribe to the following oath of office, which must be administered by the President of the Illinois Police Association, any of the Vice-Presidents any of the Past Presidents residing in the State of Illinois, or the Executive Director.

(OATH OF OFFICE STATES:  I solemnly swear before God and the membership of the Association here assembled, that I will faithfully and diligently perform all of the duties charged to my office by the Constitution of the Illinois Police Association to the best of my ability, So help me God.

(Amended October 1962, September 1996, 2005)

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH D.   PROHIBITIONS.    A division may not sponsor any project in the name of the Illinois Police Association, Inc. without first obtaining approval of the Board.

(Amended October 1959) 

SECTION 3.   REPORTING.    The Chairman of each division, or his or her designee, shall promptly furnish the Executive Director of the Association with such information, record or other data as is required by him or her to properly perform the duties of his or her office as provided in Article 5, Section 2, Paragraph D.

The Chairman OR HIS OR HER DESIGNEE SHALL REPORT IMMEDIATELY ANY CHANGES IN THE INFORMATION PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED AND NOTIFY THE Executive Director as promptly as possible regarding all information relative to any member who has resigned or forfeited his or her membership and in the case of the death of any members shall as soon as possible, furnish him or her all the pertinent details relating thereto.

(Amended September 1996) 

SECTION 4.  DUES AND FEES.    The Chairman of each local division, or his or her designee shall without delay, forward to the Executive Director all membership applications, dues, fees, assessments or other monies due the Association which it may have occasion to receive or have in its possession.

 (Amended September 1996) 

SECTION 5.  DIVISION ASSESSMENTS.    The Constitution of a local division may provide that its members may levy assessments on its membership when two-thirds of the duly accredited membership of the local division present and voting, approve the same at a regular meeting duly called for such purpose.

(Amended September 1965) 

SECTION 6.  REVOCATION OF CHARTER.    The Board is hereby vested with the power to revoke the charter and membership of any local division after twenty (20) days notice to the secretary of the local division and after proper hearing the Board is satisfied that the local division is guilty of disloyalty to the Association or that its actions and promotions have been detrimental to the welfare of the Association or to the rank and file of its members. The Board shall also make a detailed report of all the evidence and the reason for its actions to the officers and members of the local division. The local division shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the Board to the delegates at the next state Conference.  

SECTION 7.  ASSOCIATION PROPERTY.   Title to any property or assets acquired by or in the possession of any Division or the Association and the local division thereof shall own adjunct jointly. An inventory shall be rendered to the Executive Director as provided in Section 3 of this Article.

(Amended October 1962, September 1991, 1996) 

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SECTION 1.  FUND CREATED.  A fund shall be created to provide for the payment of a death benefit to the designated beneficiaries or the estates of deceased Active members of the Association. The amount of the benefit shall be fixed by vote of the delegates at the annual Conference. The administration of this fund shall be executed as described in Section 7 of this Article.

(Amended September 1991) 

(Section 1. Paragraph A. Repealed 1991) 

       SECTION 2.  PAYMENTS TO FUND.    The Death Benefit Fund shall be funded by
       proceeds attained from the Illinois police Association License Plate Program, if
       necessary., the Board from time to time by proper resolution, order, and direct
       additional payments to the Death Benefit Fund in such amounts as deemed needed
       to pay the death benefits without delay and to defray the costs of the committee.

      (Amended September 2008) 

SECTION 3.   ELIGIBILITY FOR DEATH BENEFIT.    Subject to requirements and limitations noted hereinafter, any Active member who is employed and not on pension on the date of application for membership does hereby qualify for death benefit coverage. If any class member  (Active, Pensioned, Paid up Life or Associate) commits suicide or dies as a result of assisted suicide said member does NOT qualify for a Death Benefit.

(Amended September 2005)

(Effective 2006, No Death Benefit except as defined in Section 6, Paragraph A.)

SECTION 3.  PARAGRAPH A.   AGE LIMITATIONS.  If death occurs in the line of duty as determined by the Death Benefit Committee, whose decision in this regard shall be final, an Active member does not qualify for death benefit coverage in either of the following circumstances. 1) The member applied for membership after October 4th, 1960 prior to January 1st, 1981 and was over the age of fifty (50) years on the date of application for membership or 2) The member applied for membership after December 31st, 1980 and was over the age of forty (40) years of age on the date of application for membership. Nothing herein shall serve to impair or diminish an Active member’s otherwise vested right to death benefit coverage by virtue of any prior and validly enacted versions of the Constitution and By-Laws.  

SECTION 3.   PARAGRAPH B.    REQUIREMENTS OF GOOD STANDING AND CONTINUED MEMBERSHIP.   Death benefits shall be payable only to designated beneficiaries or estates of Active members in good standing, at the time of their death and who have been in such status for at least one (1) year prior thereto. It is further provided that in order to qualify for death benefit coverage, an applicant must maintain membership in the Association for a period of not less than five (5) years immediately prior to his or her retirement.   

SECTION 3.  PARAGRAPH C.    LIMITATIONS.    All claims for benefits must be filed with the Association within one (1) year of the date of death of the member. Any beneficiary filing for benefits must provide any and all documentation requested by the Death Benefit Committee within six (6) months after said filing.

(Amended September 2008, 2011)

SECTION 4.  BENEFICIARIES.    Each Active member, shall designate on a certificate provided by the Association the beneficiary or beneficiaries of the members death benefit coverage. 

SECTION 4.   PARAGRAPH A.    DEATH OF ALL BENEFICIARIES.   In the event of the death of all beneficiaries named in the certificate before or at the time of death of the member, if no other designation has been made, the benefits shall be paid as
follows: to the widow or widower if living, if no widow or widower, to the children of the member. If no beneficiary the benefit shall be issued to the trust or will directions of the member.

(Amended September 1965, 2008) 

SECTION 4.   PARAGRAPH B.    DIVORCE OF MEMBER FROM NAMED BENEFICIARY.     If at the time of death, a member was divorced from his or her spouse and the spouse is named as beneficiary on the death beneficiary card of the member, if no other designation has been made, the benefits shall be paid to the same as though the designated beneficiary had died before the member and no new designation had been made. Provided, however, that the member may in the same manner herein provided for making a change of beneficiary designate or re-designate a divorced wife or husband as the beneficiary unless prohibited by law of the state under which the certificate was issued.

(Amended September 1965) 

SECTION 5.  AMOUNT OF DEATH BENEFIT-NOT LINE OF DUTY.  The amount of Death Benefit payable to any beneficiary or estate shall be Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00), excepting that the beneficiaries or estates of those members who exercised the option in Article 9, Section 6, of this Constitution, shall be eligible for a Death Benefit in the amount current at the time the option was exercised to become a paid up life members at retirement. Effective with all applications for membership received for the year 2006 and thereafter, the Death Benefit “Not Line of Duty”, shall be eliminated and shall NOT apply.

(Amended September 1979, 2004) 

SECTION 6.  PARAGRAPH A.    AMOUNT OF DEATH BENEFIT-ACTIVE MEMBER-LINE OF DUTY.     The amount of Death Benefit payable to any beneficiary or estate shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) if the deceased Active member shall meet death in the performance of his or her duty as determined by the Death Benefit Committee.

(Amended September 1984, 2004) This takes effect as of 2005. 

SECTION 6.  PARAGRAPH B.   AMOUNT OF DEATH BENEFIT-NON-ACTIVE MEMBER – LINE OF DUTY.   Any Illinois Law Enforcement Officer, who is NOT a member of the Illinois Police Association, the amount of Death Benefit to any beneficiary or estate, shall be paid $1,000.00 if the deceased who is a NON-ACTIVE member of the IPA, meet death in the performance of his or her duty as determined by the Death Benefit Committee.

(Effective Janurary 1st, 2019)

SECTION 7.  DEATH BENEFIT COMMITTEE.    A Death Benefit Committee comprising of at least three Active members and including a Chairman and a Secretary shall be established pursuant to Article 8, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws. 

SECTION 7.  PARAGRAPH A.  DUTIES OF COMMITTEE.  After the receipt of notice of
the death of an Active Member, the Secretary of the Committee shall apprise the Chairperson and other Members thereof and make available all information relating
to the deceased member. Upon receipt of a claim for the Death Benefit accompanied by a certified copy of the death certificate, the Secretary shall notify the Chairperson
who shall convene the Committee to investigate and pass on such claim promptly.
A record of the proceedings and the action of the Committee shall be sent to the President and Executive Director of the Association.

(Amended September 2006)

SECTION 7.  PARAGRAPH B.  APPEAL OF COMMITTEE DECISION.    Any appeal of a decision made by the Death Benefit Committee must be submitted in writing to the Board within thirty days (30) of the date on the written decision of the Death Benefit Committee.

(Amended September 1996) 

SECTION 8.  REQUIREMENTS FOR BONDING.  The Chairman and Secretary of the Death Benefit Committee shall be bonded in an amount to be set by and approved by the Association, the cost of bonds to be borne by the Association. 

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SECTION 1.  APPOINTMENT.    The President at the first meeting of the Board following the annual state Conference shall appoint the following standing committees for his or her term of office. 


     Death Benefit




     Constitution and By-Laws

     Sherwood Charities Board of Directors

Each of the aforesaid committees shall consist of at least three (3) members.

(Amended September 1964, 1987, 1991, 2014, 2022) 

SECTION 2.   EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS.    The President shall be an ex-officio member of each of the committees except the Nominating Committee.

(Amended September 1981) 

SECTION 3.  ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES.    The Board shall have power from time to time to appoint additional committees if it deems it expedient and to delegate to such committees such duties and powers as may be found necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the Association and the Board may appoint on such committees any member of the Association. 

SECTION 4.  REMOVAL.    The President shall have the power to remove any member of any committee with the approval of the Board. However, any member of any committee who without just cause attends less than fifty percent (50%) of the meetings of his or her respective committee within the first year of his or her appointment shall automatically disqualify himself or herself from further membership on said committee.

(Amended October 1962) 

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SECTION 1.   ADMISSION FEE.    The admission fee for Active and Associate membership shall be five dollars ($5.00) payable with the application.

(Amended September 1991) 

SECTION 2.  DUES, WHEN PAYABLE.    Dues for Active and Associate membership shall be fixed by a majority vote of the delegates present and voting at the annual state Conference and will become effective the year designated by the delegates. (Amended September 1970) 

SECTION 3.  COLLECTION OF DUES.    Each department or agency represented by membership shall designate one or more of its members as stewards for the collection of association dues. A department or agency steward shall be responsible for the collection of annual membership dues from association members within his or her department or agency. He or she shall submit a listing of all receipts on forms provided by the Association and these dues shall be turned over to and recorded by the Executive Director of the Association. The steward may submit his or her remittances to the secretary of his or her local division if required to do so for the division records. The secretary of the division receiving these dues must forward them to the Executive Director not later than five (5) days after receipt thereof.

(Amended September 1964)

SECTION 4., DELINQUENCIES.    Any member delinquent in the payment of dues and/or assessments levied charged upon authorization for a period of sixty (60) days past the beginning of the current calendar year shall be suspended and shall not be reinstated until dues and reinstatement fees of fifty (.50) cents per month for each and every month provided, however that any member suspended for a period of four (4) months shall not be reinstated until an additional penalty of three ($3.00) dollars per annum be paid, not to exceed a delinquency of five (5) years. Any member having allowed his or her membership to lapse for a period in excess of one (1) year, may at any time thereafter reapply and upon qualifying be accepted for membership without penalty and without the required payment to pay back dues or reinstatement fees. For all purposes including death benefits and tenure of membership such a renewed membership shall be regarded as a new membership and shall be effective as of the date of renewal.  

SECTION 5.  NOTICES.     The Executive Director shall mail each member a notice of assessments and it shall be his or her duty to return delinquent dues unless reinstatement fees accompany the member’s current dues.

(Amended September 1996) 

SECTION 6.  PARAGRAPH A.   ACTIVE PAID UP LIFE.    Any Active member with at least twenty five (25) years of paid membership in the Association and who is retired and receiving a pension may choose to become a Paid Up Life Member. Any Paid Up Life Member may return to Active member status by again paying Active members dues, this Active members death benefit shall be the benefit in effect when he or she opted to be a Paid Up Life member and not changed with his or her return to Active member status. Any difference between the member’s past membership shall be paid at the rate current at the time the Paid Up Life option is exercised. The designated beneficiary, estate of a member opting for Paid Up Life status under this paragraph will be eligible for a death benefit in the amount current at the time the option is exercised. This option shall also be available to members on disability pensions providing they have a total of thirty (30) years of paid membership in the Association. For the purpose of this paragraph, tenure shall be from the year 1944.

(Amended September 2009)

SECTION 6.  PARAGRAPH B.  ASSOCIATE PAID UP LIFE.    Any Associate member who completes twenty five (25) years of membership shall be considered a Paid Up Life Associate member and shall be exempt from further payment of dues. He or she shall be entitled to all the emoluments of a dues paying Associate member.

(Amended September 1973, 2000) 

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SECTION 1.  DIVISION CHAIRMAN ON EXECUTIVE BOARD.    The Chairman of all Divisions shall be an ex-officio member of the Board. 

      SECTION 2.  VOTING DELEGATES.    Each municipal law enforcement department,
      federal, state or county law enforcement agency who have members in the Association
      shall be entitled to one (1) vote for every five (5) members including pensioners or
      fraction of five (5) but in no event shall there be more than twenty (20) votes from any
      one department or agency. Each delegate to the Conference must be present to vote
      and will be entitled to cast one (1) ballot. The Board shall designate the manner in
      which delegate’s credentials shall be presented to the Conference and may prescribe
      or require that certain specific information be furnished by the delegate submitting his
      or her credentials as an authorization of the particular delegate to obtain recognition
      and right to vote.

      (Amended September 1981, 1991, 2008) 

SECTION 2.  PARAGRAPH A.  DELEGATES AT LARGE.    All Vice President, Sergeant-at-Arms, Executive Director, Division Chairman and all Past Presidents shall be considered delegates at large and as such shall be entitled to all emoluments of a regular delegate.

 (Amended September 1974, 1996, 2007) 

SECTION 3.  NUMBER OF DELEGATES ESTABLISHED.   The number of delegates to which each department or agency is entitled shall be established by the total membership of such department or agency on a date not later than forty five (45) days prior to the next annual Conference of the Association.

(Amended September 1968, 1991) 

SECTION 4.  NOTICES.    All Conference notices and other Association correspondence pertaining to membership shall be directed to the Steward of each department or agency as described in Article 11, Section 3. It shall be his or her duty

 to disseminate all such information to the Association membership of his or her department or agency.

(Amended September 1964) 

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SECTION 1.  MEETINGS OF LOCAL DIVISIONS.   The constitution of each local division shall determine the number of meetings, which shall be held each year. To defray the cost of these meetings, the President and the Executive Director are hereby authorized to expend what in their discretion is reasonable for each duly constituted regular meeting actually held and such payments shall not exceed twelve (12) monthly meetings per calendar year. Notwithstanding anything herein provided, no payment shall be made until the provisions of Article 6, Section 3 have been complied with and detailed reports filed with and approved by the Board.

(Amended October 1959, September 1996) 

SECTION 2.  MEETINGS OF THE STATE CONFERENCE.    The state Conference of the Association shall be held annually, at such time and place the Board shall determine.

SECTION 3.  MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD.   The Executive Board shall hold three (3) meetings each year, only the Chairman of the Audit Committee, as appointed by the President of the Association shall be required to attend these meetings provided that he or she has a report to present. In the absence of any report, Auditors will not be required to attend these meetings but shall continue to fulfill their obligations to the Association under Article 5, Paragraph 2, Section F. Special meetings may be called by the President, Executive Director or by any six (6) members of the Executive Board. Five (5) days notice must be given of a special meeting and the Board except that which is incorporated in the call shall transact no other business.

(Amended October 1961, September 1996, 2008) 

SECTION 4.  ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER.    Meetings shall follow the procedure as given in “Roberts Rule of Order”, provided that such rules are not in conflict with State Statutes on general “Not For Profit: corporations.

(Amended October 1959) 


SECTION 1.   TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY REQUIRED.    The Constitution and By-Laws shall not be amended except by a two-thirds majority vote of the accredited delegates present and voting at the annual Conference.

(Amended October 1962) 

SECTION 2.  NOTICES OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS.   No proposed amendments shall be voted on at any annual Conference unless due notice of the proposed amendment is published in the “Official Journal” of the Association or amendments sent to the members (4) four weeks in advance of the annual Conference at which time same is to be acted and voted upon. Language of proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at the annual Conference, provided that (1) the provider of the proposed change is present if any clarification is necessary and: (2) such language change does not substantially alter the intent or meaning of the proposed amendment change. Such proposed amendments shall be submitted in such manner and form as will clearly indicate the proposed changes.

(Amended September 2011)

SECTION 3.  INCLUDED ON CONFERENCE AGENDA.    Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be included on the agenda of the annual Conference and adopted in whole or in part by a two thirds vote of the accredited delegates presents and voting.

(Amended October 1962) 


SECTION 1.    In the event this Association is dissolved, all funds remaining after payment of debts and obligations shall be treated as a trust fund, payable only on death and ratably to the estates of Active members who were in good standing at the time of dissolution. For the purpose of carrying out this provision, the Executive Board shall deposit all funds belonging to the Association with any trust company qualified to accept trust in Illinois and to create a trust indenture embodying the term of this Article and designating the beneficiaries thereof. 

 Revised 01/2005
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