Illinois Police Association Patch

Phone: (708) 452-8332 - FAX (708) 452-1618
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm
"An Organization For The Professional Law Enforcement Officer"


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Illinois Police Association CLASS "A" MEMBERSHIP...
Class “A” - Associate membership is a law enforcement officer who does not qualify for Active membership because of honorary, special, auxiliary or reserve law enforcement officer status. Includes law enforcement communication officers, dispatchers and security.
(Amended September, 2000, 2001, 2003)

SECTION 6 – APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. Candidates for Associate membership shall require the sponsorship of an Active member, and such membership shall be issued only in limited numbers as prescribed by resolution of the Board. Except as explicitly provided for in Article VII, Section 1, or otherwise in these By-Laws. Associate members shall not be entitled to the benefits of Active members and shall be precluded from holding office and/or voting at any meetings of the membership.

(Amended September, 2000)

SECTION 9 – DISCIPLINE, SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION. A member may be disciplined, suspended or expelled for a misrepresentation of facts in his or her application for membership, for professional conduct or other just cause, but such punishment shall not be inflicted except upon written charges being filed against him or her or until he or she has had the opportunity to be heard in his or her defense before the Board. The member shall be entitled to counsel at said hearing.

(Amended September, 2006)

SECTION 10 – PROHIBITIONS. No person who has been convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or the federal government shall be eligible for membership, and any member who is convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or federal government shall be automatically dropped from the membership from the date of his or her conviction becomes final.

(Amended September, 2006)

SECTION 11 – NON-DISCRIMINATION. Sex, color, race or creed shall not be a bar to membership in the Association.

(Amended September, 2006)



Click >>HERE<< to join online and become a IPA Class A Member
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